Anita Howe's Gaited Horsemanship

The Balanced Cinch
Easily convert any western, plantation or endurance saddle with a back D ring to Center-Fire rigging

Note: Roller buckles on near side now come standard with all
Balanced Cinches.
Balanced Cinch - Contour Cut with
roller buckles on nearside = $148.00
SIZES with standard 2" offset
smaller = 28"/30"
medium (horse) 30"/32"
larger 32"/34"
*Custom sizes and offsets available upon request below
NOTE: no PayPal account required... you may use a credit or debit card 'through' PayPal
OR ORDER CUSTOM sizes by sending email to Anita at ajh@howetheywalk.com listing
*EMAIL address
You will receive a PayPal email notice of invoicing with a live
link for payment. Customer cinch will be ordered upon payment receipt,
you can expect delivery within 10-14 business days.
Shipping and handling: Balanced Cinch will ship anywhere within the US for a standard priority rate of $14.50 Additional cinches will be shipped at $6 each.
Email me your address for multiple or international orders and I will send you a shipping quote with an invoice link to order via email. I will allow any possible discounts for multiple item shipping.
Due to the wide variety and options available for the ideal cinch experience, EVERY order is customized to your specifications.
Customizing and fabrication takes an average of 7-10 days and another 3-4 days for receipt. Most can be received within 2 weeks.
MEASURING YOUR HORSE: If your current cinch fits your horse then you should order the same size for the FRONT measurement below. A great tutorial for measuring correct cinch size can be found here. This will give you the 'front' measurement for your Balanced Cinch. Your saddle design should determine the off-set length for the back with a standard off-set being 2 inches for saddles where the "D" rings are pretty much level.
The Balanced Cinch is a modified pack cinch designed to balance and secure any
saddle with a rear rigging "D" with added comfort and security for both horse and rider.
*As with any rigging change, I recommend you introduce your horse by saddling up and releasing them *at liberty* into an enclosed area to run around. A small percentage of horses will have a first time crow hop reaction to girth changes and the greater area of contact sometimes needs a bit of desensitizing. However, most horses quickly relax to enjoy the added comfort provided by the reduced pressure from increased contact area.
The Balanced Cinch has been designed with the following comfort features:
The dual cinch “pack” design greatly increases the stability of a saddle, and improves balance by securing the back of the saddle as well as the front.
Balancing the saddle optimizes the built in "rock" to lighten the front as the back is secured.
Doubling the contact area with this soft neoprene cinch aids in several ways:
Secures the saddle and reduces slide during hours of riding.
Provides greater comfort for your horse by reducing the pressure per square inch (psi) of the cinch.
Allows easier mounting with less worry about saddle shift.
Many riders have found the need for a breast collar to be eliminated in all but the most rugged riding.¨
The neoprene extends completely under the rings at all four ends of the cinch to cushion those natural pressure points.
Off-billet keeper "tucks" have been constructed on both front and back of the off-sides to stow remaining off-billet length.
The "H" design of this rigging allows the front and back to hold independently while securing front-to-back shift: keeping the front cinch from sliding forward behind the elbow will help prevent galls, while restricting the rear cinch from sliding back to the flank "bucking" point. **As with any cinch, backward saddle slide can negate this benefit.
The web-over-soft-neoprene construction of the Balanced Cinch allows quick and easy cleaning, as it endures years of regular use.
Standard design is for the back cinch to be 2" longer to accommodate belly swell more comfortably without buckling the front. However some more modern plantation and endurance styles may benefit from more dramatic off-set to accommodate a higher rear 'D' ring. Either a greater offset or an extra long back latigo will be needed to fit comfortably. It is best rigged with 2 off-side billets and 2 near-side latigo as shown. I recommend you acquire an additional latigo and off-billet rather than trying to utilize traditional rear western rigging. While traditional western back rigging can be used, it is not optimal.
We also recommend a slightly longer latigo for the back to allow length for tying off after cinching: a minimum of 60" on the front and 72" or 84" on the back side.
NOTE: many customers have elected to use latigo on all four corners, giving even more customized fit when saddles are shared between horses. This is easily accomplished and doesn't add any additional time to saddling up unless you choose to completely remove the Balanced Cinch every time.
*Saddle fit is a critical responsibility for every rider who cares about the comfort and soundness of their horse. For gaited horses this fit is essential to your horse’s ability to provide you with the soft easy gaits they were bred to perform.
You may purchase these cinches only through this site. I understand being on a budget, and if the purchase price is more than you can afford, an alternative would be to use two individual cinches which can be tied+together at the midline rings with similar success. I personally did this for many years before creating the Balanced Cinch.
The important thing is to find a way to improve saddle fit, balance, function and comfort for you and your horse. I would rather see you ride with any balanced, center-fire rigging than a single forward-only girth, simply for the benefit and comfort of your horse.